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Dia Internacional de les Dones i les Nenes en la Ciència- Campus Diagonal

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Amb motiu del Dia Internacional de les Dones i les Nenes en la Ciència, diferents instituts de recerca i facultats del Campus Diagonal hem organitzat, un any més, un acte conjunt que esperem tingui bona acollida.

Enguany seran dos actes telemàtics:

7, 8 i 9 de febrer  "Picture a Scientist"

Projecció online del documental "Picture a Scientist" (dirigit per Sharon Shattuck i Ian Cheney) de la productora Rocofilms.

Per demanar accés al documental, us heu d'inscriure a través d'aquest formulari abans del 5 de febrer

11 de febrer Xerrada i Taula Rodona

(accés amb aquest  link)

15h “Modelització de la COVID19 des d’una perspectiva de sistemes complexos” per la Dra. Clara Granell (Univ. Rovira i Virgili)

15:45h Taula rodona

"Accions per visibilitzar el treball de les dones científiques"


Organitzen: Facultats (Ciències de la Terra, Biologia, Química, Física) Instituts de recerca (IBBUB, IN2UB, ICCUB, IQTCUB, IdRA, UBICS i Geomodels)

Col·labora: Vicerrectorat d'Igualtat i Gènere




Webinar by Lucas Lacasa

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Barcelona Webinar 14/01/2021

Date: 14 January, 2021,  15:30h (CET, GMT+1, Barcelona/Madrid/Paris/Berlin)

Speaker: Lucas Lacasa, Reader in Applied Mathematics, Queen Mary University of London

Title:  "Reducing the stress on intensive care by optimally load balancing patients in the era of COVID-19"

Link to the video of the webinar:



As the number of cases of COVID-19 continues to grow, local health services across different countries are at risk of being overwhelmed with patients requiring intensive care. At the same time, surges and demand are not homogeneous across a country, as different regions see incidence grow or decline in an asynchronous way. This enables the possibility of balancing demand by sharing patients. In this talk I will describe a proposal that we put forward in late March 2020 during the first wave of COVID-19, which computes quasi-optimal re-routing strategies to either transfer patients requiring Intensive Care Units (ICU) or ventilators, constrained by feasibility of transfer. The method is general and applicable regionally or at a national level. I will give the details of the method and showcase it with realistic data from the United Kingdom and Spain. Depending on different ICU demand profiles, up to 1000 patients (per algorithm step) which would otherwise not receive care could be re-allocated without the needs of increasing capacity of the hospitals. I will also briefly discuss our experience in going from the scientific idea to the operationalised platform.

Webinar by Maria del Rio-Chanona

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Barcelona Webinar 17/12/2020

Date: 17 December, 2020,  15:30h (CET, GMT+1, Barcelona/Madrid/Paris/Berlin)

Speaker: Maria del Rio-Chanona, Institute for New Economic Thinking and Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford

Title:  "The economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic: A non-equilibrium network model"

Link to the video of the webinar:



We develop a non-equilibrium production network model for predicting the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. In the first part of this work, we made quantitative predictions of first-order supply and demand shocks for the U.S. economy associated with the COVID-19 pandemic at the level of individual occupations and industries. To analyze the supply shock, we classify industries as essential or non-essential and construct a Remote Labor Index, which measures the ability of different occupations to work from home. Demand shocks are based on a study of the likely effect of a severe influenza epidemic developed by the US Congressional Budget Office. Compared to the pre-COVID period, these shocks would threaten around 20% of the US economy’s GDP, jeopardise 23% of jobs and reduce total wage income by 16%. We then design an economic model to address the unique features of the COVID-19 pandemic. Our model also includes a production function that distinguishes between critical and non-critical inputs, inventory dynamics, and feedback between unemployment and consumption. We demonstrate that economic outcomes are very sensitive to the choice of the production function, show how supply constraints cause strong network effects, and find some counter-intuitive effects, such as that reopening only a few industries can actually lower aggregate output. Our results suggest that there may be a reasonable compromise that yields a relatively small increase in R0 and delivers a substantial boost in economic output. This corresponds to a situation in which all non-consumer facing industries reopen, schools are open only for workers who need childcare, and everyone who can work from home continues to work from home.

Congrés Virtual "Annus nefastus: Misfortunes, changes and opportunities in the Roman world"

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Barcelona Webinar 16/12/2020

Els propers 16-17/12/2020 des del CEIPAC s'ha organitzat un congrés per tancar l'any amb el títol "Annus nefastus: Misfortunes, changes and opportunities in the Roman world" (Virtual) organitzat per Juan Manuel Bermúdez Lorenzo i Jordi Perez Gonzalez, membres del UBICS.

Pots descarregar el programa aquí

Més info:

Webinars Complex Systems and COVID-19 (II)

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Barcelona Webinar 26/11/2020

Arriba un segon Cicle de Webinars sobre Sistemes Complexos enfocats en el COVID-19: "Complex Systems and COVID-19 (II)", organitzat per l'UBICS i Enfocat per a tothom interessat en els Sistemes Complexos i els seus actuals camps d’aplicació.

26 November - Aleksandra Walczak, ENS, Paris

"Dynamics of T-cell memory formation and reactivation after COVID-19"

17 December - Maria del Rio-Chanona, INET and MI, Oxford

"The economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic: A non-equilibrium network model"

14 January- Lucas Lacasa, QMUL, London

"Reducing the stress on intensive care by optimally load balancing patients in the era of COVID-19"

Totes les xerrades es faran a les 15:30h per la plataforma online BbCollaborate. En breus publicarem els links als Webinars.

Webinar by Aleksandra Walczak

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Barcelona Webinar 26/11/2020

Date: 26 November, 2020,  15:30h (CET, GMT+1, Barcelona/Madrid/Paris/Berlin)

Speaker: Aleksandra Walczak, ENS, Paris

Title:  “Dynamics of T-cell memory formation and reactivation after COVID-19"

Link to the video of the webinar:



The immune repertoire responds to a wide variety of pathogenic threats. Immune repertoire sequencing experiments give us insight into the composition of these repertoires. Since the functioning of the repertoire relies on statistical properties, statistical analysis is needed to identify responding clones. Using such methods I will describe the repertoire level response to the SARS-CoV-2, among other perturbations. More generally, I will show how immune repertoires provide a unique fingerprint reflecting the immune history of individuals, with potential applications in precision medicine.

Setmana de la Ciència - UBICS

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Barcelona Sala 3.20, Departament de la Matèria Condensada, Facultat de Física 17/11/2020


Tipus d'activitat: Tallers i cursos
Àrea temàtica: Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2
Tipus de públic: Estudiants ESO, Batxillerat i Cicles formatius
Orientat: Grups

Activitat: Sabies que existeixen diferents models matemàtics que estudien com afecta un virus (com podría ser el del coronavirus) en una població? Aquest tipus de models ens ajuda a preveure com serà el contagi i a avaluar les mesures a seguir per tal d’aturar el virus en el mínim temps possible. Et convidem a navegar per diferents simulacions interactives en les que aprendràs com es construeixen aquests models, quins son els paràmetres a tenir en compte per modelitzar una epidèmia i descubrir quins resultats s'obtenen en funció d'aquests.

Endinsa’t en aquest interessant Taller!

Més informació a:

NetSci2020 Political Communication Networks

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Online 18/09/2020

The aim of the PCNet20 satellite is to provide a forum where qualitative and quantitative methods in political communication studies can interact and mutually cross-fertilize.

Traditionally, news media served as an interface between citizens and politics, eventually influencing the political behaviour together with the context and social networks embeddedness.

In the information age, both politics and communication are transformed. The popularity of online social platforms  has increased the number of actors able to spread political, commercial and other messages to a massive number of potential recipients. In this workshop, we want to explore and characterize such phenomena through the lens of network science. 



  • Networked Collective Political Identities

  • Context collapse

  • Online Culture Wars

  • Diffusion of News and Misinformation

  • Selective Exposure, Echo Chambers and Polarization

  • Emergence of leaderships

  • Digital Parties Platform Communication

  • Data based propaganda

  • Populism (operative definition / quantification)

  • The Rise of the far right


The extended deadline for abstract submission is July 15th, 2020.
Notifications of acceptance will be sent via e-mail by July 20th, 2020.

Submit via Easy Chair

Visit our website and follow us on Twitter to stay updated.

Webinars Complex Systems and COVID-19

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Barcelona 17/07/2020

"Complex Systems and COVID-19" : Cicle de Webinars sobre Sistemes Complexos enfocats en el COVID-19 organitzat per l'UBICS i Enfocat per a tothom interessat en els Sistemes Complexos i els seus actuals camps d’aplicació.

11 June - Manlio de Domenico, CoMuNe Lab, Fondazione Bruno Kessler

"Tackling complexity: foundations and appplications."

18 June - Nuria Oliver, Data-Pop Alliance & ELLIS (The European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems)

"Data Science to fight against COVID-19"

25 June - Santiago F. Elena, Instituto de Biología Integrativa de Sistemas, CSIC

 “Identifying early-warning signals for the sudden transition from health to disease stages by dynamical network biomarkers”

02 July - Alex Arenas, DEIM, Universitat Rovira i Virgili

 “Epidemics and mobility”

16 July - Ernesto Estrada, IUMA

"Fractional diffusion on the human proteome as an alternative explanation to the multi-organ damage of SARS CoV-2."

Totes les xerrades es faran a les 16h.

Ara pots trobar tots els videos aquí:

Webinar by Ernesto Estrada

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Webinar 16/07/2020

Date: 16 July, 16h (CET, GMT+2, Barcelona/Madrid/Paris/Berlin)

Speaker: Ernesto Estrada, IUMA, Universidad de Zaragoza

Title:  “Fractional diffusion on the human proteome as an alternative explanation to the multi-organ damage of SARS CoV-2"

Link to the webinar:


SARS CoV-2 is the new coronavirus causing the pandemic known as COVID-19. This respiratory disease is characterized by multi-organ and systemic damages in patients. The abundance of ACE2 on human organs has been claimed as responsible for such multi-organ spread of the virus damages. However, once on circulation the virus could spread to practically every organ in the human body as
ACE2 is ubiquitous on endothelia and smooth muscle cells of virtually all organs. Contrastingly, SARS CoV-2 only damages selectively a few organs. Here, we develop the hypothesis that the effects of the SARS CoV-2 virus can be spread through the human protein-protein interaction (PPI) network in a subdiffusive way. We then elaborate a time-fractional diffusion model on networks which allow
us to study this phenomenon. Starting the diffusion from the SARS CoV-2 Spike protein to the human PPI network we show here that the pertubations can spread across the whole network in very few steps. Consequently, we discover a few potential routes of propagation of these perturbations from proteins mainly expressed in the lungs to proteins mainly expressed in other different tissues, such as
the heart, cerebral cortex, thymus, lymph node, testis, prostate, liver, small intestine, duodenum, kidney, among others already reported as damaged by COVID-19.