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UBICS Day 2022

Barcelona Edifici Històric 08/09/2022

On 8th September 2022, UBICS will celebrate its annual UBICS Day 2022, with talks by international researchers and networking activities.

Place: Aula Magna, Edifici Històric (Carrer d'Aribau, 2, 08011 Barcelona)


09.30h-10.00h Opening and Welcome

Dr. Albert Diaz-Guilera (UBICS director), Dr. Joan Guardia (rector UB and UBICS member) & Dra. Marta Sales (URV, presidenta de 

10.00h-11.00h Talk

Dr. Jürgen Kurths (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research) 

"Climate Meets Complex Systems: Exploring Predictability of Extreme Climate Events via a

Complex Network Approach"

11.00h-11.30h Coffee Break

11.30h-12.30h Talk 

Dra. Ulrike Feudel (ICBM, University of Oldenburg)

"Transient chaos in complex networked systems"

12:30-13:30h Talk

Dr. Dan Dediu (UBICS member, Facultat de Filologia i Comunicació)

"Language and languages: complex systems (co-)evolving at the intersection of biology, environment and culture"

13.30h-15.30h Lunch

15.30h-16.30h Three minutes thesis competition

PhDs UBICS members

16.30h-17.30h  Talk

Dra. Chantal Valeriani (UCM)

"The role played by interactions in the assembly of active colloids: discovering dynamic laws from observations."

20.00h Dinner

Fábrica Moritz Barcelona (Ronda de Sant Antoni, 41, 08011 Barcelona)

The payment of the dinner (32€) is not included in this event.    

You can do the registration here

You can find the details of the program and the abstracts here

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